Jak co roku namalowałam letni krajobraz na okładce nowego kalendarza.
Like every year, I painted a summer landscape on the cover of the new calendar.
Like every year, I painted a summer landscape on the cover of the new calendar.
Christmas is over, so I can start showing off the gifts I made this year. The dark brown mug with sunflowers was my husband's favorite vessel for drinking coffee. Unfortunately, it broke some time ago, and in other mugs the coffee tastes different ;). I remembered that a large brown mug serves as a container (one of many) for my brushes. I took it out, painted sunflowers and gave it to my husband. Now for him coffee tastes better again. :D
This stoneware teapot is quite heavy, so it is mainly used as a decoration. For years it stood on a shelf, decorated by me with some pseudo-folk painting, which over time I liked less and less. As part of my Advent resolutions, I scratched off the painting, took out the old ceramic paints and painted these roses.
Takiego Anioła Stróża namalowałam w prezencie z okazji Chrztu pewnemu maluszkowi.
I painted this Guardian Angel as a baptism gift for a baby boy.